About UTC

We discover, develop, and showcase remarkable talent.

By championing talent above all, we’re building an inclusive entertainment industry that reflects the real world — and empowers everyone in it.

Our vision

Media and entertainment has a societal impact that reaches far beyond our screens. It plays a monumental role in shaping culture, the way we see others and the way we see ourselves.

It’s why true representation in entertainment — both in front of and behind the camera — matters.

In society

And for our industry, inclusivity and representation means attracting and retaining new talent, diversifying creative output, and building a stronger, more exciting entertainment industry.

In the industry

We started UTC because we believe that everyone with remarkable talent deserves equal opportunities.

Because talent is talent.

For over 10 years we’ve been on a mission to discover, develop, and showcase remarkable talent both in front of and behind the camera.

And we’re just getting started.

Our values

  • Work together.

    Our hands-on talent management approach is rooted in the knowledge that creative collaboration leads to the best outcomes.

    Through our hands-on development style, we support talent in creating original work and long lasting careers.

  • Keep going.

    Ideas are easy. Change isn’t. And we know there’s a long way to go before our industry truly reflects the real world.

    That’s why we live and breathe talent. We see potential and are passionate about supporting it. From our dedicated, hands-on team to the unique talent we work with, each of us is fiercely committed to pushing our industry forward.

  • Make it happen.

    It’s not just what you stand for, it’s what you stand up for.

    We challenge complacency and provide platforms that showcase and cultivate both talented individuals and their craft — in front of and behind the camera.

  • Champion talent above all.

    The entertainment industry needs to reflect the real world.

    By providing opportunities for all, we’re building an inclusive entertainment industry that empowers everyone in it.

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