Home of the remarkable
talent shaping a more vibrant entertainment industry.

UTC is a group of companies that share the same mission:

To discover, develop, and showcase exceptional talent — both in front and behind camera.


It all starts with remarkable talent. We discover talent worth talking about at our own grass roots events and celebrate some of the biggest names in entertainment in our multi-award-winning shows.

UTC Live Logo


We develop our artists’ careers through our uniquely hands-on management approach rooted in creative collaboration and networking. We connect talent to talent, and talent to our extensive network of production partners right across the globe.


Our production company Lucky 17 showcases exceptional talent through vibrant multi-genre programming. It’s the place where writers, performers, and content creators from all backgrounds are inspiring the next generation of talent by telling their stories on stage and screen.

Meet our artists

We’ve championed underrepresented talent for over 10 years.

But there’s still a lot of work to do…

We’re working to transform the entertainment industry into a more inclusive, vibrant place for all talent — both in front of and behind the camera — to thrive.  

Because an entertainment industry that reflects the real world benefits everyone.

Upcoming live shows